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Get your ads seen by real people with real buying power and pocket more cash.
Access our cutting-edge mailer. It writes your subject lines for you.
Activate the Crazy Climber and watch it force your websites into the TOP 10!
Earn a fist full of dollars, easily and quickly. Up to $198.80 Per Sale!
Creating a traffic frenzy has never been so easy and no experience is needed.
Enter now and you'll want to stay forever! It's highly addictive and profitable!
Jane Mark Introduces More Visitors Now

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At Last! A Traffic Site That Delivers Real People with Real Buying Power using 3 Proven, Time-Tested Systems!
Let's take a look at these 3 proven traffic systems...
First, there's the brilliant Headline Mailer that writes your subject lines for you.
One of the hardest things to do in email marketing is to get your emails opened. Everything depends on how compelling your subject line is and whether it is written in a way that will get by the email hosts spam filters. Imagine being able to select tested and proven subject lines from a drop down and email everyone every 2 days.
Next, there's the Crazy Climber ads system that forces your sites into the top 10.
MVN uses a fun and easy to WIN Jackpot Points system which works in harmony with our one-of-a-kind Crazy Climber Ads System. You win points by viewing ads, websites, or emails and then use those points to get your sites into the top 10 on various high traffic pages and keep them there. It's simple, fun, and highly addictive.
And then there's the Clever Jackpot Points system that keeps your sites in the top 10. 
In order to keep your ads in the top 10, you need points. A lot of points and the easiest way to do that is WIN them by viewing link ads, text ads, banner ads, and email ads. The higher your member level the more points you can win and it gets better. Each day you could win a jackpot prize. This could range from 500 points right up to 25,000 points.
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
So that's 3 of the amazing systems you'll find inside More Visitors Now, but you'll get much more when you join today...
You get a downline mailer so you can stay in contact with your personal signups daily...
There is not much point signing up people if you don't get a chance to stay in contact with them. That's why we give you a top-shelf downline mailer so you can email your personal signups daily.
You get up to 100,000 points so you can start advertising instantly...
We make it simple for you to get instant website views and traffic by giving you a bucket load of points when you signup. The number of points you receive depends on your sponsor's membership level.
You can give away up to 100,000 advertising points and get easy signups...
We make it simple for you to get easy signups and fill your downline with people who want to know what you are doing. You can give away up to 100,000 advertising points to encourage fast signups.
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
And there's more...
You can advertise up to 10 of your favorite websites and get the exposure you need...
Imagine being able to drive real people to 10 different websites all at the same time forever. You'll get great exposure for all your important offers. Your websites will rotate on the main sales page and search results pages.
You get up to 6 small banner ads 125x125 to advertise your favorite websites...
These banners rotate on the ad profits page. You could literally get tens of thousands of web page views for each of your offers. Your banners can be edited or changed at any time.
You get up to 2 large banner ads 250x250 to advertise your favorite websites...
These banners rotate on the main sales page and on the top 3 highly visited pages of the Crazy Climber system. These banners, available at the premium level, can be edited or changed at any time. 
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
Keep going, we're not done yet...
You get up to 10 free forever text ads to advertise any product or service you like...
You get 10 forever text ads which rotate on the ad profit page and the search results page. You can edit or change these text ads at any time but we recommend you let them run for a while.
You can earn up to 40% commission on Premium and Pro membership sales...
You earn up to 40% commission on Premium and Pro membership sales with one-time commissions ranging from $78.80 to $198.80.  You also earn commission on points sales and website upgrade sales.
And last, but not least, you get a free copy of our Killer Email Subject Lines ebook...
Your email open rates and potential results depend largely on how compelling your subject line is and whether your emails get past the spam filters. This ebook will show you how to do this.
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
 And there's still more. Check out the impressive bonuses below in the membership section... 
Standout Premium Offers
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
Recent Premium Offers
10412057 Points

6665500 Points

5875501 Points

4604086 Points

3030000 Points

2973000 Points

2972000 Points

2970001 Points

2954000 Points

2888000 Points

Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
Sign up now and I'll give you 100,000 points (value $500.00)
What our members are saying... 
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Jane Mark Earned 50100 Points with...
Crazy Climber

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